Project Life Week 5

Anyone who sees the title and knows me from my challenge at Scrappty Doo Dah might be wondering a bit. Project Life??? What about P365? Well I haven’t given up P365, I still take a photo (nearly) every day. I’m just doing my layouts a little differently. I’ve decided to go from the single page week to a double page Project Life inspired spread each week. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up, because instead of taking twice as long, for some reason these LO’s take at least three times as long to make. And who has three hours a week to work on one layout? Well, apparently I do.

I’m a huge admirer of Ali Edwards and have been following her version of Project Life for a long time. I would see a few other blogs here and there where people were using the PL system using the physical books, cards, and divided page protectors. They looked neat, but I’m strictly digi, so they weren’t for me. Then a couple of things happened- Project Life went digital, and then at the beginning of this year, PL just seemed to be Everywhere I looked.

I’ve been doing Project 365 (taking a photo every day) since August of 2010, and scrapping the photos into single page LO’s. Mostly. I’m still somewhat behind from last year. So what do you do when you’re already behind? Of course you add more stuff to your plate! Or that’s what I do… But the cool thing about the digital version of Project Life is that some of the thinking is taken off your hands. Now I no longer have to search for templates with places for 7 photos plus journaling. I don’t have to find room to squeeze in my journaling between all those photos. There’s plenty of room for as few or as many photos as I want, and lots of room for little snippets of journaling.

The thing that has inspired me the most to change my format is just all the inspiration that’s out there right now. I’m in the process of scouring the blogs of the ladies from Becky Higgins’ Creative Team and pinning all the awesomeness on my Pinterest board. It’s just wonderful how much creativity is out there.

So here is my Week 5


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